International Workshop
Complement system: rare diseases and targeted therapies
October 13th – 14th ,2023
Official language • English
Venue • Hotel NH Palermo registration is free and includes participation to the workshop, work lunches, coffee breaks, certificate of participation and the CME certificate (to those entitled to).
Registration • Registration is free and includes participation to the workshop, work lunches, coffee breaks, certificate of participation and the CME certificate (to those entitled to).
CME • The Workshop will be included in the Italian National program of Continuing Medical Education (CME), for the profession of Psychologist and Medical Doctor with the following specialties: Nephrologists, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Allergology, Internal Medicine, Haematology, Pathology.
13 Ottobre 2023 - 14 Ottobre 2023
11:00 - 13:15
Sede: Centro Congressi Hotel NH Palermo
- Foro Italico Umberto I, 22/B, Palermo, Palermo, 90133, Italy